Missing Classmates

All classmates on the master Class of 1970 list maintained by the ETHS Alumni Association have been added to this website using the most recent contact information on file at ETHS.  That master list was sent to the Reunion Committee in early May, 2015.  We are all aware social media is a more expedient way to keep up to date with classmate information.  However, we needed to start with a master list to at least get all the names entered into this website's database.  As of Monday May 25, 2015 (Memorial Day), that master list was added to this website, creating a database of almost 1400 classmate entries, including the deceased classmates.  We are now turning to our classmates and their capabilities with social media to start sending updates for names, street addresses (where available) and especially email addresses so that our website truly has value as a way for classmates to reach one another. 

This website considers a classmate as "Missing", if that classmate has not yet actually JOINED this website, regardless of whether there was any contact information for that classmate as part of the initial upload on May 25, 2105.  Any classmate who comes to the website and sees they are listed as Missing should click on the JOIN NOW link located on the right side of the website's Home Page.  After entering an email address and a password, they can proceed to join the site and create their own Profile as well as furnish contact information if they so choose. 

Note that NO contact information entered in a classmate's Profile will ever be released to other classmates or anyone else by Joel Stevens, the website administrator, acting on behalf of the website.  If classmates desire to share any information with other classmates who are already members of this website, they can do by selecting the Profile of the message receipient and using the Private Message feature on that classmate's Profile page.  

If enough classmates show interest, Instant Messaging and webcam capability between other classmates can be enabled for a total annual fee of $200 per year for the whole website.  In that case, all classmates already joined on the website can start using those additional features.

For female married classmates, the married name currently on the Alumni Association master list is shown in parenthesis.

When a male classmate enters his information, the Married Name field should be left blank.

If ANY information about a classmate who has already joined the site needs to be changed or removed, please click the Contact Us link and send a note to Joel Stevens, Webmaster for this website, at eths70@yahoo.com.  He will make the requested changes as soon as possible.

We know the Missing Classmates and Profile pages tend to be the most active on any school reunion website like this so we ask you to keep us current on any changes that need to be made.  Please be aware we did our initial upload of our very large class using the Alumni Association master list in order to get the greatest number of classmates loaded as quickly as possible.  We knew the married names, street addresses, phone numbers and email addresses may not be the most current.

 The following is the list of Missing Classmates as of August, 2022.

Christina Adams
Roger Addelson
Ken Adelman
Karroll K. Alexander
Sylvia A. Allston (Bledsoe)
Marcia Almm
Bradford Anderberg
Amy E. Anderson
Anita I. Anderson
David M. Anderson
Richard A. Anderson
Mirtha Antoine
Steve Antoniuk
John Archibald
Susan Arenson (Wolfson)
Sara Asher
Richard K. Ashton
Aphrodite Athanasoulis
Daniel Aucunas
Gregory D. Baackes
Cary E. Babbitt
David J. Babbitt
James Babbitt Jr.
Deborah Babcock (Siegel)
Diane Bailey
Bev Baker
Mary Baker (Vanvorous)
Carlotta Y. Banks
Linda Banks (Echols)
Denyse D. Bannan
Peter F. Baranay
Lynda Barbera
Helene M. Bard
Donald R. Barge
Richard Barkan
Dennis Barnes
Linda Baron
Maris Barta (Kowal)
Charles Bartlett
Shery Bayar (Murphy)
Kent Bayle Jr.
Rafael Bean
Patricia M. Beattie (Yaguchi)
Chip Beck
John Becker
Nancy Becker
Naomi M. Becker
Israel M. Been
Wanda L. Belcher
Judith Bell (Tatar)
Elizabeth Bennett-Bailey
Chris Berendes
Brea Berger (Maremont)
Veronical Berkes
Raymond C. Berkseth
Robert Berlt
Louie H. Bernstein
Arthur Berry Jr.
Gregory D. Billa
Odette M. Black
Janet Blackwell (Windham)
Debbie Blames (Riddle)
Hope Blitstein (Kellman)
Gail Block
Steven Block
Beth Blumenfeld (Raymond)
Jean E. Boehlen (Grow)
James M. Bonds
Nancy Booker (Harper)
Ronald Borok
Barbara Boruff
Annie L. Bowen
Robert Boynton
John Bradley
Robert Bradley
Keith Brammer
George Brand
Jerlyn L. Brasley (Clark)
Mary E. Brauer
Harry Breedlove
Lawrence Breit
Valerie Brewer (Schiff)
William S. Bridgeforth
Larry Bristow
Arthur Brown
Robert L. Brown
Duane A. Brownlee
Dorothy A. Buckman
Marla Bulmash (Stock)
Pamela Burkholder
John Burns
Eileen F. Burt (Cooper)
Lou Burton
Jane Burwick
Martin Buscombe
Alex D. Callaci
Stephen Capillo
Robert J. Carder
Steven Carlberg
Kay Carlson
Wayne Carney
Billie L. Carr
Willie B. Carson
Kenneth Carswell
John E. Case
Susan Chamberlain (Cardelino)
William J. Chandler
Earl Chastang Jr.
Yen-Gen Cheng
John Christensen
Jane Christiansen
Stacy Clark (Schanz)
RoJean Clesen
Thomas Clewell
Sue Clutter (Brice)
Douglas R. Coffee
Carolyn Cohen
Cheryl Cohen (Berrington)
Jeffrey Cohen
David Cohns
Lena Coley (Nau)
Penny Coley (Mosley)
Stephen Combs
Randall Cone
Lynne Conner (Ransom)
Sam Conviser
Lester Conyers
Allen Cooper
Robert Corwin
Lu-Anne Covington (Scheerer)
Casandra Cozart
William H. Cozart
Margie Crim (Butler)
John Croll
Wayne Crooks
Ruth Cryns (Ruthledge)
Joe Cunningham
Carole Cutler (Salgado)
William Dabney Jr.
Kenneth H. Dahl
Jennifer Danielson (Arnett)
Kathy D. Dare (Goddard)
Robert Davidson
Gwendolyn Davis
Katrina Davis (Rodez)
Linda Davis
Luther Davis
Richard D. Davis
Martin N. Deboer
Colleen M. Delaney
Thomas Delaney
Marc W. Denis
Karl dePina
Myles DeRussy III
Linda Desideri (Cate)
Frances Devalloures
Thomas E. Devine
David Diamond
Eliseo J. Diaz
Mario J. Diaz
Gabriele Diwisch
Brian Donovan
Neil Donovan
Adam Donson
Lisette Donson (Jensen)
Patrick J. Dorsey
Charles W. Dotto
Ernest Downey
Raymond E. Du Plessis III
Carlos Duany
Dale Eason
Darnell Eason
Dennis Eason
Gail Edens (Knazze)
Larry W. Edwards
Larry Ellen
Mary E. Elliott
Margery Ellis (Mariner)
Steven Ellis
Meredith Emmons
Barry L. Engelstad
Rena Epstein (Frohner)
Joan Erenberg
Janet Erickson (Niedzwiecki)
Mary A. Erickson
Einar Ericksson
Keith Fair
Jack Farkas
James F. Feldstein
Carlo Felix
Linda Ferrone
Edwin D. Fink
Michelle Fischer (Clay)
David Fishman
Ronald P. Fohrman
Ricky Francellno
Charles Franklin
Joyce Freed (Werner)
Joyce E. Freed (Daszkowski)
Allen J. Friedman
Lee Friedman
Jennifer Frifield (Tash)
James Gaines
Fred Ganet
Janet Garbarino (Palmer)
David Garfield
William F. Garnett
Diane Gendon (Lukoff)
Susan Gentry
Alex Georgopulos
Gregory W. Gerlat
Albert L. Gibbs
Scott Gibson
Diane Gilbert (Ruly)
Joan Gimpel (Vander Walde)
James L. Glass
Andrea Glassner (Nocchiero)
Marcia Glow
Judy Gold
Alan Goldberg
Geoffrey Goldberg
Rita Goldberg
Steven Goldman
Scott Golinkin
Phillip Gonzalez
Lawrence Gordon
Phillip B. Gorelick
Michael A. Gorham
Jonathan Gosse
Ellen Grabow (Tanaka)
Andrew L. Grace
Cynthia C. Grant (Biasis)
Doris Gray (Powell)
Theodosia Gray
Kenneth Green
Richard Greenberg
Debra G. Greenfield
Gary L. Griffin
Kathie Grimes (Longston)
Warren Grimsley
Therese Grisham
Victoria Grochocinski (Dickenson)
Diane W. Gross
John Grubman
Collins Guillebeaux
Barbara Gunther (Ferrari)
Howard Guritz
Robert J. Guritz
Craig Gustin
Howard D. Gutner
Daniel S. Guttosch
Catherine J. Haas
Amy Hallissey
Margaret F. Hamann
Maren Hamilton
Christopher Hammer
Richard Hannon
Pamela Hanson
Barbara M. Hare
Robin Harms (Bell)
Dan A. Harris
Darcy Harrison (McKeown)
Jeri Harrison (Dotto)
Shellie Hart Jr.
Lois Hartman
Lois Hartman (Dixon)
Gail Harwood (Packer)
Nikki Hasapes
Mark A. Hawry
William Herman
Georgia A. Hermann (Current)
Carlotta R. Hickman
Fredrick Hickman III
Walter Hicks
Randy Hodgdon
Charles Hodge
Noah Hoffman
John Holland
Michele Horwitz (Cohen)
Robert Howard
Stephanie Howard (Van Haaff)
Henry Huang
Alice Huberty (Scanlon)
Linda Hulteen (Lindquist)
Patricia Hustad (Lischke)
Linda Hustedt (Ball)
Carol Hwang
James Hyland
Joanna Hynes
Carol Imler (Jackson)
Lee Imler
Nick Ingelby
Richard Jacobs
Thomas Jacobs
Joanne L. Martin Jacobson
Miriam Jacoby (Polsky)
Fred Jaffe
Lois Jaffe (Sachs)
Joseph James
Walter Jeimah
Patricia Jenkins
Shannon V. Jenkins (Chisholm)
Alanna Jewell
Christine Johnson (Conway)
Gene Johnson
Marcia Johnson
Betty Jones (Gresham)
Kristine Jones
Avila Judelson (Judelson-Trubnick)
Linda Justedt
Pamella Kaczmarek
Katherine Kallick
William Kao
Daryl Kaplan (Federman)
Arlene Karnatowski
Kerry Karth
Chris Kasvin
Fred Kavanagh
Sue Kearney (Pajcic)
Bruce Keeshin
Barry Kellman
Carol Kemp
Gregory Kennedy
Leslie Hamilton Kerr III
Ranjana Khipple (Khipple-Khan)
Bruce King
Charles King
Joseph King, Jr.
Gloria Kirk
Lisa Kliger
Sigrid Kolter
Leah Komaiko
Marilyn Koslow
Lucinda Kraft (Sanchez)
Mary Kreischer (Haugsness)
Robert Kuchowicz
Keiko Kumasaka (Kadome)
Alfreda Lacey
Marcia Lamm
Elizabeth Lareau (Recher)
Mark Lawson
Michelle Lebovits (Lovejoy)
Gilbert Leeds
Herbert Levine
Barbara Levinson
Donald Lewis
Evelyn Lewis (Sobotta)
Carol J. Lewittes (Follmer)
Laura Liberman (Kimmel)
Christopher Licht
Vance Liebman
Clinton Lightfoot
David Lindley
Marie Lindner
Maurie Lindsay (Stern)
Philip Lipschultz
Paul Little
Gloria J. Littlechilds (Field)
Gregg Livengood
Roger Loebbaka
Gesner Loiseau
Robert Lombardi
Terry London
Michael Lowe
John Ludwick
Nancy Lum
Karen Lumpkin
Paul Lynn
Andrea Lyon
Pamela Macdonald (Gardell)
Sandy Macgregor
Robert Mack
Leslie Mackey (Walker)
Robin Mackiewicz (Lake)
Lynette Maclean
Kenneth MacLeod
Ken Macloud
Richard Madnick
Jeanette Mai
Monique Maillefer (Cronk)
Brian Maloney
Jeanne Malter (Liebmann)
Everett Mann
Gail Mann
Michael Mann
Richard Mann
James Marcellus
Gail Marschak (Chrispell)
Barbara Martin (Hare)
Joanne Martin
Lawrence Marx
Rita Mason
Sandra R. Matteson (Gosden)
Chris Mayer (Pritchett)
William Mbata
Mary McCreadie
Brad McDaid
Myrel McMillan (Ruff)
Stephen Means
Fredrick Meccia
Roberto Melo
Lynne Mendelson (Markus)
Belinda Meyer (Ebert)
Katherine Meyer (Tseng)
Juan Milla
Mark Miller
Teresa Miller
Alice Mims (Murray)
Kathryn Minnick
Howard Miska
Michael Mlodinow
Barb Moburg
Bonnie Moline (Gorelick)
Sharon Moller (Baum)
Mary Montgomery
Kathy Morby
Jean Morgan
Suzann Morgan
Cathy Moritz
Meg Morris (Kinzer)
Pamela Morris
Gregory Morrow
Jeffrey Morse
Robert Moss
Liz Murry (Smith)
Analee Mussman (Tamer)
Ellen Najdowski
Wendy Nathanson (Weissman)
Elaine Neal
Althea Nebel
Jack Neems
Sally Neistein (Denney)
Jane Nelsen
James Nelson
Mary Nelson (Weiss)
Eric Neuman
Glen Neuman
Mark Neuman
Mark Newman
Minnie Northcut
Aida Novickas
Jay Nudelman
Randy Nutt
Polly O'Brien
Roger Ockrim
Thomas O'Connor
Michele Odorizzi (Babbitt)
Russell Oiring
Melvin Oliphant
Ronna Olken (Williams)
Stephen Olson
Patrick O'Malley
Randy Ortlund
Alan Osher
Bogus Ostrowski
John Oswald
William Owens
Elizabeth Palmer (Jenkins)
Marla Parker (Parker Green)
Judd Parkin
John Pausteck
Pamela Pedtke (Perez)
Eugene Perrin
Mildred Perrin (Hannum)
Valerie Perrin
James Perysian
Bruce Peterson
Debbie Peterson (Hoppenyan)
Michael Peterson
Nancy Peterson
William Petrusczak
Crystal Pettis
Beth Pickering
Gunnar Piotter
Adrianne Pirsch (Senz)
Andrea Pitts (Montgomery)
Nancy Poll (Karth)
Michael Pomper
Thomas Poulsen
Pamela Powell
Howard Pringle
Theodore Prohov
Frank Przespolewski
Jeff Rander
Leon Randolph
Wayne Rawlins
Constance Rea
Carl Recher
Edward Reece
Stephen Reed
Philip Reeves
Robert Reichstein
Howie Resnick
Mark Reynolds
Loren Rhoads
Martha Rice
William Roberts
Alice Robinson (Williams)
Darlene Robinson
Michael Robinson
Matthew Roddy
John Rosales
Denis Rose
Judith Rosenbaum (Peska)
Andrew Rosner
Sharon Rovick
Jeannette Roycraft
William Rubin
Steven Rubinoff
Eileen Rubinson
Daniel Rudenberg
Diane Ruley (Hilbert)
James Ruskin
Leslie Saleson (Schenkel)
Edward Salmen
Julie Salter (Gronich)
Hermine Sarrafian
Alice Scanlon
Glen Scheele
Kathrynn Scheele (Busch)
Michael Schiff
Christine Schmidt (Henrioulle)
Margaret A. Schmidt (Hemauer)
Mark Schneiderman
Rick Schumacher
Scott Schumer
Melissa Schuyler (Stengel)
Francine Schwartz (Bober)
Leah Schwartz
Margaret Schwartz
Merle Schwartz (Tovian)
Cindy Schwartzhoff (Miller)
Keith Scott
Lorraine Scott
Dale Sebastian
Carol Seider (Goodwin)
Kathy Serota (Cohen)
Blaine Severin
Cindee Shandling (Dietz)
Brian Shankman
Susan Shapiro (Shapiro-Holleman)
Nan Shepard (Legeai)
Steven Sherman
Pamela Shu
Linda Siewenie
Doris Silsdorf
David Silver
Shelly Simon (Simon-Pettett)
Thomas Simpson
Betty Sladek
Thomas Slosar
Charlotte Smith
Cynthia Smith
David Smith
Gail Smith (Hulse)
Gary Smith
Karen Smith (Brown)
William Smith
Robert Snider
Amy Sommers (Flodin)
Jodee Spector (Smith)
Jeffrey Spivak
Robert Sprecher
Harvey Spreckman
Charles St. Louis
Linda Stahl
Susan Stahl
Ellen Starkman
Larry Starks
Anna Stegich (Muller)
Evy Stein
Jan Stein (Guifarro)
Deborah Stempel
Steven Stern
Donna J. Stewart (Ferrill)
Rebecca Stitt (Hudecek)
Diane Stolle (Tye)
Bonnie Strom
Bud Styer
Peter Suarez
Shirley J. Sue (Balzrina)
Lori Suess (Karutz)
Anne Sullivan
George Swaim
Albert Swainston
William Swanson
Alan Tatz
Maudette Taylor (Watley)
Michael Taylor
Susan Taylor (Weniger)
William Taylor
Alan Thilmany
Joanne Thomas
Becky T. Thompson (Galecki)
John Thornburn
Glenda G. Tinch (Cox)
Jeannette Tisher
Yasmin Tiwana
Edward Tomlinson
Esther Tonsul (Thompson)
Patricia Torrez
Karen Tracz
Linda Tuman
Martin Tunk
Byrdie Turman
Edward Turner
Myron Turner
Chiyo Uchida
Ella Valdez
Betsy Van Bussum (Sillars)
Robert Van Den Bosch
Connie Van Der Have
Sharon Vandello (Furniss)
Arturo Villamil
Lauriene Waber
Elna Wagoner (Sullivan)
Janis Walker (Henderson)
Karen Wall
Janice Wallach
Todd Waller
Jim Walsh
Thomas Warren
Otis Washington
Mark Wassenaar
Jacqueline Waters (Starks)
Lorraine Watts
Sandra Weber (Gunther)
Stephen Weiman
Edna Weiskopf
Dan Weiss
Donna Weiss (Mandell)
Ellen Weiss (Schmidt)
Bill Welch
Ann C. Wenzel (Beilke)
Joy Werneski
Paula Wexler
Elizabeth Wharton
David Whatley
Catherine Wheeler
Marjorie Wheeler (Barclay)
Scott Wheeler
Donald White
Jeffrey White
Samuel White
Timothy Whitehouse
Anne Whitson (Eshelman)
James Wideman
Gigi Wiegman (Horn)
Eric Wilkerson
Tammy Willens (Thomas)
Bernita Williams
Herbert Williams
Sara Williams (Jones)
Deborah Willis
Merja Wilnius (Fox)
Blan Wilson
Sandra Wimberly
Lois Winnick
Gail Wisniewski (Chapman)
Erwin Wittenstein
Robert Woltman
Robert Woodard
Cathey Wragg
Deborah Wright
Jacqui Wright (Freeman)
Johnnie Wright (Tate)
Ani Yegiyayan (Tokat)
Martin Yonan
David Young
Dianne Young
Denise Youngsteadt
Robin Zaltzman (Malk)
Glenn Zazove
Joseph Zeman
Joanne Zimmerman (Grebner)
Lynda Zimmerman

Guest Members

Penny L. Buckman
Brenda Harris (Class Of 1972)
Jeffrey Lyons
Holly Medweb
Martha Wolf (Class Of 1972)