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•   Kenneth Redding  8/31
•   Martin Bridges  8/29
•   Steven Van Swearingen  8/29
•   Larry Moller  8/6
•   Gail Firebaugh (Smith)  7/18
•   JoAnn Hinze (Rice)  7/15
•   Michael J. FitzGibbons  7/13
•   Lucia Norris  7/10
•   Douglas Todd  7/10
•   Philip Perry  7/10
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Welcome to the ETHS Class of '70 Website Home Page


The ETHS Class of '70

"Reunited, and it felt so good!"
September 1st - 3rd, 2022

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We did it again! Another wonderful gathering at Moretti's is in the books! Thank you to all who made it to the mini-reunion, whether from near or far. We had more than 60 people, a dozen or more than last year. We were missing a few of the people that worked long and hard on our 50th, but were delighted to see some new faces! Can you name all of tyour classmates in the photo? (Maybe try on your iPad!)

Special thanks go to Steve Hoffenberg and his wife Joyce for organizing everything from co-ordinating the venue to keeping track of the RSVPs and collecting all the money for us. They made it so easy for Christie Calm Albers and me to greet our classmates. Steve brought some of the momentos from our reunion, and Danny Lnagerman added some new keychains to our collection. We are a very lucky group to have so many people who show their school spirit and love for our class! Thank you!!

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That wasn't the only gathering of the weekend! There was also the induction of the 1969 boys State Champion Soccer Team into the ETHS Sport Hall of Fame. They were recognized at halftime of the football game and then at the Induction Ceremony in Beardsley Gym.  You make us proud, Class of 1970! 

(More photos and videos are available on our Facebook Page: Evanston Township High School - Class of '70. Thank you to Roger Badesch for keeping that current!)



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If you made it to the Evanston Township High School Centennial Carnival on September 14th and have pictures or stories to share, you can go to our Facebook page or use the Contact Us link on the left.

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There is a new issue of the ETHS Alumni Association newsletter,The Kit, available online HERE. There is information about the Centennial Celebration that is scheduled for September 14th of this year. We don't have any other information at this time, but will post updates here if we hear anything else. If you have information, share it with me using the Contact Us link on the left.

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We were reunited again, and it was fantastic!

We had a great time when close to 50 classmates and friends gathered at Moretti's in Morton Grove on August 28th. Not bad for a Monday night and less than two weeks notice:) An amazing group! Might just become an annual event! What do you think, Steve? We couldn't do it without you!

If anyone wants to create their own mini-reunion, let us know and we can help get the word out. And make sure you have filled out your profile so that you get notifications!

Here is a picture of almost everyone that was there! Enjoy! More pictures are posted on the ETHS1970 Facebook page. 


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Do you get ETHS Alumni Association's newsletter,The KIT Some of you may get it in the mail, most of us get an email with a link so we can simply read it online. If you haven't seen it yet, click HERE to see the Spring, 2023 edition. You will be able to read about what's going on at ETHS as well as news about the alumni. Some Class of '70 people are mentioned!

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Greetings! It's been a while! After updating the website and emailing you almost daily in August and September, we took (and gave you) a little break! We are still checking in, and just signed up to keep our website AD FREE for another three years.

Just like many of you, we have been connecting with our "new/old" friends on Facebook and here on the site. And, yes, we have been chatting about a 55th Reunion, but there are no plans in place, or even a committee! We'll let you know so you can help! In the meantime, if you are planning anything locally or in your area, let us know so we can help spread the word.

There have been a couple of changes to the website that you might notice. For security purposes, we have changed the settings on several pages so that only people that have signed up and signed in can access them. We haven't had any problems, but there were some issues on the FB pages, and we wanted to be proactive. 

The other change is on your profile. You can now share where you attended school before ETHS. It was suggested that, rather than grade school reunions, we might be able to get a few people to coordinate junior high gatherings. Hmm... It seems we have started planning!! 

Keep in touch!

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Class of 1970 Memorial Video

Special thanks to Roger Badesch for creating this moving tribute. The music was written and performed by our late classmate Michael Cunningham. Be sure to have the sound on.

We encourage you to share memories about these classmates on our In Memory Page. There are many beautiful tributes posted there. Please alert us to any other classmates that need to be added using the "Contact Us" link on the left.

Click here to start the video.

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Our Class Gift


The ETHS Class of 1970 is pleased to announce that we have commissioned classmate, Ta-coumba Tyrone Aiken, to create our Class Gift, a painting that is earmarked to be the focal point of the new Alumni Hall at ETHS.

Ta-coumba is an exceptionally talented and creative artist who has been recognized with numerous awards, and most recently, appointed as a 2022 Guggenheim Fellow. You can read more about this noted ETHS graduate on his website at

ETHS and the ETHS Education Foundation are embarking on a major campaign to celebrate the centennial of ETHS being housed at its current location at 1600 Dodge. Ta-coumba's work will be a centerpiece in Alumni Hall, which is part of this project. Other areas at the south end of the building will be upgraded to enhance 21st Century Learning. Gifts from the class of 1970 have been earmarked toward this important project.

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Thank you to everyone who participated in our Reunion.
Whether you were part of the committee, encouraged friends to join us, traveled from near or far, or helped make everyone feel welcome by sharing memories and making new ones, THANK YOU! It was an amazing weekend!

Many photos have been shared on Facebook, and we encourage you to add yours. There are FB pages devoted to our class, and tag your friends in pictures. We will do our best to create a place on our website to share photos, but we aren't quite ready. In the meantime, you can share them on your profile and there will be a notice sent that your profile has been updated:)

Continue to use our website to reach out to your friends, new and old. You may post public comments, or send private messages that will be delivered through email. Update your profile, and encourage friends to join the website, too! There are rumors we will be planning for our 55th Reunion.  This will be the place for more information.